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Connected TV Advertising for Education

The race to capture prospective students' attention is a different ball game than it was 10 years ago. 

As linear TV becomes outdated, advertisers are turning to Connected TV (CTV) as a tool to capture a younger audience more plugged in than previous generations. 

As prospective students stream their favorite shows, CTV offers a unique opportunity to reach them in a personalized and engaging way—right where they’re most likely to be influenced. 

The fast facts about CTV: 

So why should higher ed marketers use it? 

Degrees and certificates have a longer conversion path, and therefore longer campaign duration. Since most college bound students in 2024-25 are Generation Z, they’re likely in households that have cut the cord, and consume content almost exclusively through streaming platforms. CTV advertising gives higher ed marketers the opportunity to show visually rich content on the largest screen in the house. 

It used to be fairly challenging to assess the impact of linear TV commercials on sales, but CTV advertising allows advertisers to measure things like video completion rates, site visits, and return on ad spend among other metrics. Moreover, audience segmentation is more granular with CTV, which makes it an attractive option for institutions of all sizes trying to maximize their ad dollars. 

When it comes to messaging… 


It doesn’t matter what channel you’re advertising on—a relevant message to the right people is a moniker that applies to every medium. Messaging to rising seniors (most likely the parents of rising seniors) will be different from adult learners. 


If you’re a university, do you have a particularly unique campus life? Do you have resources and services that enhance post-graduate outcomes? Do you have programs worth highlighting? Always incorporate numbers that show the positive outcomes of graduated students to establish some logos to your messaging. 

When it comes to targeting…

Apart from demographic targeting, here’s a few other ways you can get smart with audience segmentation on CTV. 


Get local or regional. Depending on where your school is located, it might make more sense (from an ROI perspective) to set your targets in the New England area if your institution is based in New York state. 

Content patterns

If you have the budget, securing inventory from highly watched shows is a good strategy to ensure the most eyes get on your content. If your budget is not as robust, having detailed audience profiles is important. The more detailed your audience profiles, the better you can make use of contextual targeting. Sports, physical competition shows, these types of viewers are active and might be inclined towards a university where there are opportunities to do physical activities at a club level, or are preferential to schools in cities where hiking, skiing, surfing, etc. opportunities are plentiful. This is where advertisers can get really creative with what they highlight about their campus. 

Viewership patterns 

Is there a particular point in a TV show or movie where viewership drops off? Are ads in front skipped over more than ads mid-roll? This will inform what types of inventory you purchase. 

When it comes to format…

Leveraging Interactive Ad Formats: CTV offers interactive ad formats that invite viewers to engage with content in real-time, such as clicking for more information or exploring virtual campus tours. These interactive elements can significantly boost engagement and leave a lasting impression on potential applicants.

Integrating CTV Campaigns with Other Digital Marketing Efforts: This isn’t necessary all the time, but for large scale campaigns or marketing activations, CTV should be integrated with other digital marketing channels, such as social media, email campaigns, and search engine marketing, so that you can tell a holistic, seamless story—while amplifying reach and reinforcing messaging across multiple touchpoints.

Be careful not to...

  • Fatigue your ad. CTV is a bigger investment so you’ll want to be particular about inventory you buy so as to maximize budget and not overexpose yourself. Higher education in particular is an industry where a little over a stretch of time goes a long way. 
  • Ignore measures to protect your investment. Ad fraud is real and approximately 25% of impressions are on fraud when campaigns are unmanaged on peak days. Buy certified CTV inventory. Keep an eye on metrics and note any peculiar spikes and dips. 


The role of Connected TV in digital advertising is rapidly evolving, offering unprecedented opportunities for educational institutions to connect with prospective students in a meaningful way. By embracing CTV as a core component of their marketing strategy, universities can transform their approach to student recruitment, driving higher engagement and application rates. As the landscape of higher education marketing continues to shift, those who leverage the power of CTV will be well-positioned to thrive in the competitive race for student admissions—which is only stiffening as media consumption becomes more fragmented.

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