Why Klever

More Foot Traffic, Less Footprint: Programmatic Needs To Be Sustainable.

Every decade, a new technology wows everyone with its performance. With that also comes a new set of ethical dilemmas in tow. 

Programmatic advertising is great, but it’s not better than the planet. And as years have passed, we’re already hearing in-depth, the consequences of broadcast commercials and digital advertising campaigns. In fact, Scope3 is one of leading companies measuring the impact of CO2 on campaigns. They essentially measure CO2eqPM or CO2eq per 1000 impressions per digital campaign. As a partner of ours, advertisers get to see how much output their campaigns are producing, while understanding how they can minimize it for their next campaign. High performance, low CO2eqPM (we know: it’s a mouthful), is kind of our modus operandi. Which is why we strongly believe that sustainable advertising is future-proofing your campaign dollars. 

If you’re here reading this blog, we can only assume you’ve perused our website (unless this was a backlink, in that case, thank our marketing team!), then you know that we’re built on the Four P’s: Precision, People, Proximity and Planet. We believe, and have seen for ourselves, that you can get exceptional results while minimizing environmental impact. 

Precision: Targeting the Right Audience

Klever analyzes vast amounts of data to identify patterns and behaviors to create highly targeted segments and minimize ad delivery to irrelevant users. This is not only good for campaign results and ad experiences, but it reduces emissions. A few ways we get specific are…

  • Going beyond demographics: We consider real-time user behavior, interests, and intent to create truly relevant ad experiences.
  • Dynamic Targeting: Our platform is capable of dynamically adjusting targeting parameters based on real-time performance data. This allows us to optimize your campaigns in real-time, ensuring that your ads are reaching the most receptive audience at any given moment.

People: Understanding Your Audience

Every click, every impression, represents an individual with unique desires and interests. At Klever, we believe that understanding your audience is essential for creating meaningful connections. Our platform provides detailed audience insights, allowing you to develop personalized messages that resonate with your target market.

  • Deep Audience Understanding: Our analytics tools help you understand your audience's psychographics, and behaviors. This information can be used to create highly targeted ad campaigns that speak directly to your customers' needs and desires.
  • Personalized Messaging: By understanding your audience, you can craft personalized messages that are more likely to capture their attention and drive engagement. This can involve using dynamic content, and personalized recommendations. 

Proximity: Delivering Ads at the Right Time and Place

The timing and location of your ads can have a significant impact on their effectiveness. Klever's platform considers proximity to deliver truly relevant ads based on your audience's location, device, temperature, and time of day.

  • Location-Based Targeting: You can target specific geographic areas, ensuring that your ads are only seen by users within your desired location. This can be particularly effective for local businesses or campaigns targeting specific regions.
  • Device Targeting: Getting device-specific, like reaching people on smartphones, tablets, or desktops is a smart way to capture people while sedentary vs. on the move. 
  • Time-Based Targeting: By targeting ads based on the time of day, you can reach your audience when they are most likely to be receptive to your message. For example, you might target ads for breakfast products during the morning hours or for evening entertainment options in the evening.

Planet: Sustainable Programmatic Advertising

At Klever, we believe that advertising should be a force for good. That's why we're committed to sustainable practices that minimize our environmental impact.

  • Carbon-Neutral Operations:We've implemented measures to reduce our carbon footprint, including using renewable energy sources, optimizing our data centers, and promoting remote work.
  • Sustainable Partnerships: We partner with vendors and suppliers who share our commitment to sustainability. This ensures that our entire supply chain is aligned with our environmental goals.
  • Industry Leadership:We're proud to be at the forefront of the movement towards sustainable programmatic advertising. By choosing Klever, you're not just selecting an advertising platform; you're partnering with a company that is committed to making a positive impact on the planet.

No more guessing games, no more wasted budget. Know where your ad dollars are going and rest assured that your campaigns are performing optimally while minimizing environmental impact. 

Join the Movement:

We’re changing the culture of digital advertising—and we’re still learning as we go. Join us by subscribing to our newsletter.

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